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20/09 Friday 02:31PM

even the rain

The year is 2000 and the place, Cochachamba in Bolivia. The government has just sold the country’s water rights to a private, multinational consortium. The age-old wells that used to provide water are suddenly sealed and the company now sells water at an inordinate rate leading to riots by the locals. The country is brought to a halt and the uprising ends only when the company is withdrawn.

“Even the Rain” suggests that even catching rain is illegal.  The film revolves around a film-making project during the water unrest to re-introduce the historical explorer Christopher Columbus and expose him as a brutal, greedy destroyer of a civilization and nature instead of the champion conqueror he has been known as. A tale of historical grandeur is developed within a modern-day story based on real incidents. The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles.

Read the review on NY Times.

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