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08/09 Sunday 11:12AM

bruneions interview ezra pilpus

Meet Ezra Pilpus, a photographer who prefers no media fanfare but rather let his photos do the talking.

What type of cameras do you shoot with?
I mainly shoot with my Nikon D40x. I bought it 3 years ago.  It was my first camera and I still use it now.
What is your favourite photgraphy accessory, other than your camera?
I like to use a 35mm f1.8 lens because that's my first lens I ever bought.
If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?
Honestly, it doesn't matter to me because in the end, the final image is what matters.
What lighting equipment do you take on a shoot?
If I shoot outdoors, I just bring my camera and occasionally a reflector. That's it. I normally rent a studio, and use the equipment, if I shoot in the studio.
What is your favourite computer/editing accessory, other than your computer?
None I guess. I use Light room to organize my archive of photos and Photoshop, or both to do my post-processing.
How important is Photoshop in your final images?
I usually spend less than 10 minutes to edit an image. I like to keep an image simple and retain the vibe from the photo. Sometimes, I might take half an hour to retouch or smooth the skin of a subject, usually from a fashion/studio shoot.
What is your most used Photoshop tool, plug-in, action set etc.?
I like the curves, baby! Adjustment layers, as well. Those are your friends.
Do you plan on buying any new equipment and if so what do you have your eyes on?
A new camera! I wanna go all out and get a Nikon D3 for long term.
How do you feel about cropping an image?
I like to keep cropping to a minimum. I rather plan the composition of an image carefully before taking it. I think that's important.
We choose photographers for these interviews because their work inspires us. What gives you ideas and inspires you to create amazing imagery?
God, family, friends, your surroundings and the Internet!
What has been your most memorable assignment and why?
I guess I have to go back to 2009 during my 1st shoot ever with a group of my female friends. I had a lot of fun and that somehow spiked me up to do more shoots.
Where would be your dream destination for photography?
Iceland and any island of the Philippines.

What do you feel is the most important thing about photographing weddings?
I did it only once. You gotta be physically and mentally prepared, cos it's gonna tire the heck out of you. Just plan beforehand and always hustle the event. There will always be few people who are gonna treat you like crap just because you're a photographer so be prepared for that as well.
What do you think of the local photography industry at the moment and where do you see it in 5 years from now?
It's progressing I guess. We need to stop being safe be in our comfort zone. Just be creative and go out with maintaining the life values here. In 5 years, God-willing I'd be still taking photos, maybe get more established in this region.
Any photographer who inspires you?
Well, any photographer with amazing work would really inspire me right now. But if I could name a few that will be Nirrimi Hakkanson,William Eggelston, Sigurd and Alec Soth.
A website and/or blog you visit often?
Flickr, plenty of amazing photos over there.
The last workshop or seminar you attended and why?
I attended Shazli Shots Kaler Perchek workshop last May,well basically trying to gain knowledge and wisdom from him, in terms of post processing and composing image.
Do you have any workshops on the horizon?
Nah not really, not sure if anyone is interested to attend a workshop by a guy like me haha...
What photographic or any organizations you belong to?
No one. I'm a one-man army :P
One way you market yourself?
There are plenty of social media sites that are used by the mainstream - obviously Flickr, Facebook, Tumblr. Everything now is accessible.
Do you advertise? If so where?
Not exactly. I just let my work do the advertising.
How important is an awesome website for your business?
I prefer a simple, presentable website. I let all my work do the convincing, if they like what they see, they can contact me. Some sites just put too much that are unnecessary and people can be put off by that.

What are your favourite three images you have shot recently?
Can you describe their creation with regards to location, lighting,composition, camera settings etc, also your thoughts when creating the images and what they mean to you?


1. That was shot at night in the back alley of Bukit Bintang during my trip. Mind you though, those areas looked so dark and dodgy.Stephanie Goh, she is awesome. We would go around Jalan Alor to find background places with beat up textures that looked derelict. With little light, I used my direct flash from the camera.

2. I found this place in Empire where there were flowers and I knew I had to shoot there. I knew in my mind that I wanted a subject lying down with these flowers around. Since I was using a 35mm lens at that time, I constantly moved around to find the angle and a nice composition. I guess this is my pick.

3. This was taken in April during the ‘So You Wanna be a Rockstar’ workshop by Zeddie Zakaria (aka Thirtheenthjuly). I like this one because shooting in the studio can be pretty, so I gotta try and be creative to differentiate my work from others. I asked her to lie on the floor, put some cloths around her and just used a beauty dish to light her up.

I realize that each great photographer has a particular penchant or love for photographing a particular subject whether it be nature,portraits, sea or landscapes, shadow and light, etc.  What is yours?
I like to shoot people. My images, I guess, are somewhat the way I express what's in my mind.
there are human feelings that are difficult to portray in photos, so for me it's a challenge, but totally worth it.
People bring different qualities and characteristics so I like to capture that in my work.

Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph?
Randomly, Adele & Najwa Mahiaddin or Yuna.
What advice do you have for somebody who wants to pursue photography as a full time job?
It's a big leap if you want to be in the industry full time,there are risks and you gotta be ready to face ‘em. But if photography's your passion then go for it.
We know that each of us has someone or something, which inspires our life and work. Can you tell us the true basis of your inspiration?
I've always wanted an outlet to express my creativity. I played in bands, tried graphic design and creative writing until I found photography. Whatever's in my mind, it helps to transfer them through my photos.
Something you’re still learning?
Trying to get back in shape. :p
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
God, family and friends, photography and Liverpool FC. In that particular order.
What is your greatest fear?
Not breathing the next day.

Something that is overrated?
The Mall and Coffee Bean.
Something you’re saving up for?
My wedding haha, that's a lot to save for.
What item do you wish you had designed?
A coffee machine - A La Marzocco. That thing looks so sexy.
If you could have lunch with anyone who is famous who would it be?
If I choose randomly, it would be Clint Eastwood.
Your favourite movie of time?
Can I pick 3? Silence of the Lambs, Memento & Napoleon Dynamite.
Finish this sentence.
If I could be invisible for one day with my camera…

….. still hanging on my neck.
And the last question, if you had one wish…
…. People to stop complaining and be contented with what they have, and be thankful for being alive.

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