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20/09 Friday 05:49PM

quick lessons in graphic design

"Considering how many designers are self-taught, either in whole or in part, the importance of a solid foundation in graphic design theory is often overlooked. New designers often want to jump right into creating websites, rather than learning the basics of why some designs work and some don’t. But they’re putting themselves at a disadvantage to designers who do have formal training or have taken the time to learn the principles behind good design." Cameron Chapman on noupe.com.

Cameron has posted on a great course with at least 45 lessons in graphic design theory.  There are general theories, theories about user experience and usability, typographic theory, layout and grid theory and colour theory.  With over 45 lessons, he has covered lots of ground on the essentials of good design and they are presented with loads of images and illustrations to give you a better picture of the ideas.

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