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08/09 Sunday 11:02AM

the luxury called anonymity is no longer available

image:Rich Lam/Getty Images

Internet users leave a lot of themselves on the Web and this makes it easier for every video, photo and e-mail to be accessed by other people, whether the source grants access or not.

These days, one can’t do anything and hope to get away with it. Even an innocent act such as scratching your loins could have been captured and posted on the web and within days, you could be famous, like it or not.

In the recent riots in Vancouver, a couple was photographed kissing in the middle of all the chaos, flat out on the road, and oblivious to the commotion around. Within a day, they were identified and invited to appear on TV. Their fame came like a fire-cracker bang, sudden and intense, and it would probably blow over just as quickly but the point is, it didn’t take long to track them down.
Read article by Brian Stelter for The New York Times.

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