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17/09 Tuesday 02:56AM

how ink is made

GOOD posted a very beautiful and insightful video on how printing ink is made.

We had no idea how personal the process is until now. The ink is blended by a chief ink maker to get the right colour tone. It is a precise process that requires craftsmanship and passion.  Watch the video.

how ink is made
GOOD posted a very beautiful and insightful video on how printing ink is made. We had no idea how personal the process until now. The ink is blended by a chief ... More

moving into the future with a hybrid car
Hybrid cars are cars that run on gasoline and one alternate source of energy. The common hybrid cars available now use of combination of gasoline engine and electrical ... More

easiest places to do business
The World Bank has published a Doing Business 2010 report that measured 183 countries, covering the period from June 2010 to May 2011, and the top 10 countries that ... More

the apple of our eyes
We are all abuzz at the office about the introduction of the latest iPhone 4S from Apple. The new iPhone doesn't just come with slight tweaks and updates above ... More