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20/09 Friday 03:05PM

saving $1,000 a year on energy bills?

A good tip from the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Services (DME) to help each household save up to $1,000 a year – turn off your appliances left on stand-by mode.

We often leave our home appliances on stand-by mode without a thought as to how much energy they consume. Now DME has done a study and produced shed light on the energy consumption of 9 common appliances. 

All 9 items utilizes a total of 15, 489 kilowatts hour per year. At the tariff rate of 6cents per kilowatt hour, that amounts to $929.34. It was found that the water heater is the biggest user of energy, followed by the thermal pot.  The study was based on each household having one of each appliance. However, in Bruneian homes, it is common to see multiple sets of the same appliances.
Read further about saving energy on The Brunei Times.

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