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21/09 Saturday 08:01AM

from riches to rags

Hong Kong's hit reality TV show "The Battle of the Poor Rich" has 1.2 million viewers tuning in every week to see wealthy, privileged volunteers give up their luxurious lifestyles to become janitors, sweepers and cardboard collectors on the streets of Hong Kong and earn enough to buy food for the day.

The ratings of the show has soared since its debut in 2009.  Its viewers skyrocketed from just 64,000 in the first season to over 1 million in the second season. Hong Kong financier, Johnny Chan, collected cardboards and told his story, "When I was on the show, I felt so empty and scared - it was hard living as a cardboard collector".  The 39-year-old father of 3 added, "I hope I was able to shine some light on this problem.  Society needs to help the poor collectively - the government, media, citizens."

Although dozens of the city's rich have temporarily swapped luxury for poverty for this show, the show's producers said it's still hard to find new takers. Some responded with fear that their intentions may be mistaken for hypocrisy and some worry about public reactions.

Critics cast doubt on whether a few days of hardship can actually make the elite truly understand living in poverty. The show's producers have pointed out that there are signs the wealthy are reaching out to the poor more than ever before. They are hopeful that change will happen from their introduction of the show.

Read more on mysinchew.com.

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