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17/09 Tuesday 04:34AM

tunics, trousers and other tantalisers

What is the latest fashion trend for Autumn/Winter 2011-2012?  Vogue predicts some tantalising looks for fashion devotees. Pairings of trousers and tunics are a sexy combination that hides all sins but still project a chic silhouette. Put on a choker for an instant update to your outfit and add glamour to your neck.

You don’t have to be in your forties to pull off forties glamour. Get a hold on all the knee-length pencil skirts, skinny belts, gloves and pearls required for the conservative but elegant trend.

Just what trend to sport every season is an education itself.  For over a century, American women have turned to Vogue, the fashion magazine that has promoted chic and sophistication as a way of life. In1892, Arthur Baldwin Turnure founded Vogue as a weekly publication in the United States.

After he died in 1909, the magazine was taken over by Conde Montrose Nast who made it bi-weekly and published it overseas from 1910.  Soon it became a huge success and is the most influential fashion and lifestyle magazine in America today.

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