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22/10 Tuesday 08:24PM

fairytale dress

We found, via Treehugger, Boston-based designer Ryan Novelline created an exquisite one-of-a-kind gown completely from discarded children's book.

He used the colourful illustrated pages and sewed them together with golden threads. to form the skirt while utilising the golden spines of the book to fashion the shining bodice. It is a dress Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White would fight over. An ingenious way to reuse and recycle!

bruneions interview zang toi
Zang Toi, it's not a name you can easily forget. An international star of the fashion realm who dresses other stars in high society half a world away, More

get great hair, the natural way
Great-looking hair can be a real asset and head-turner. A good cut and style can elevate a person's confidence and improve one's mood, but when the hair shines and ... More

bruneions interview with vena
“The highest compliment my clients can give is the referral of their friends, family and business associates." That, is how Vena Osman, make-up artist and beauty ... More

toothy tips
If you are lucky enough to have a nice set of white teeth neatly laid out like Lego bricks, then you can confidently grin and bare them. But what salvation is there ... More