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20/09 Friday 08:51AM

cicada ice cream for you?

If cold cicada is not your thing, then maybe sautéed in butter and garlic, baked in rhubarb pie or tossed into a plate of pasta might be more up your alley. There are many ways to serve the familiar noisy insect.  The web is full of cicada recipes so browse on for more dazzling insect-inspired flavours.

Of course eating bugs is not a big deal these days. Crickets, worms, maggots have all had their place in a restaurant menu. The issue now is how many more ways can we serve them? Deep fried or roasted on a stick is most popular. Once charred over a grill or browned to a crisp in oil, these critters will lose all its buggy natural flavour and will taste of whatever seasoning was used.

Entomologist recommendation for cicadas:cicada nymphs, which live underground, can be eaten raw after they emerge from the ground and shed their exoskeleton. Mature ones should be boiled while still alive to kill any bacteria and dead ones should not even end up on the plate because they could be decomposing.

To find out if cicada flavour is your kind of thing on Time

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