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20/09 Friday 10:33AM

go with your gut

Everybody eats and many want to blog about their meals.  With so many blogs on the web, we just can’t waste time on the ones that don’t give useful information or at a minimum, provide an appetizing coverage. We came across ‘Going with My Gut’ by Soh Wen Lin and were bowled over by the witty and amusing accounts of her food adventures plus the delightful photos of not just the food but the ingredients and creators of those wonderful food as well.  She'll take you to the market, the butcher's, her friend's kitchen, supper clubs and even give you a glimpse of what her chickens are up to in her backyard.

Soh Wen Lin was born in Singapore and now lives in London with her husband. They went backpacking around the world for their honeymoon –15 months, 40 countries - and produced a big collection of travel and food stories which she shares on her blog. Now back in London, her entries revolve around the London food scene.  We like her recipes that come with detailed instructions and accompanying step-by-step photos - makes our experimenting so much easier.  Wen Lin used to be a journalist and her stories are presented in a fun, informative and humorous manner. Go Gut Go!

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