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16/05 Thursday 05:28PM

get A+ with a healthy diet

New research has shown that proper nutrition is just as vital for higher IQs as it is for young growing bodies. British researchers has studied the data from a study which followed the health, diet and wellbeing of several thousand children born in 1991 and 1992.  Out of these, data was gathered for 4,000 kids, comparing their dietary patterns with test scores. 

On the questionnaires filled by the parents when their kids were 3. 4, 7 and 8 years old, diets were categorised as 'processed' which is high in fats and sugar. 'traditional' (e.g. meat and potatoes) or 'health conscious' (more fruits and vegetables).

The results showed that the health conscious diet added points to IQ compared to 'processed' and 'traditional' diets. These results build on previous research that showing how diet impacts test scores. One study at University of Pittsburg found that higher intakes of omega-3 fatty acids correlated with better academic performance.  Children who took more fruits and vegetables had a 60% higher chance of passing literacy tests and a University of South Carolina research showed overweight children were nearly 3 times more likely to score poorly on tests measuring visual-spatial organisation.

More on nutrition at Dole.

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get A+ with a healthy diet
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