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21/09 Saturday 08:04AM

the bulls will be safe... next year

Bullfight-lovers in Spain will just have to contend with less morbid sports from 2012.  A law has passed that this one-sided battle between man and beast will cease and matadors will have to hang up their crimson cloth for good.

The matadors will raise their swords for the last time in the Barcelona bullring, The Monumental, this September. Bullfights (can you even call it a fight?) have been held in the Barcelona ring almost continuously since 1919, stopping only during the Spanish civil war.  Last year the Catalonia government voted to ban bullfighting as they were concerned that the sights of swords plunging into the heaving sides of a defenseless bull and spilled blood repelled tourists and foreigners. So the 2011 season, which ends in September, will be the last time the bulls face death in the ring. The irony is that these sights were precisely what tourists came to Spain to see.
Feeling bullish? Click here for the article by Catherine Nixey on FT.

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