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21/09 Saturday 12:35PM

have you gone mad yet?


This summer’s blockbuster movie, Green Lantern, is covered in all the movie news, magazines and fan sites. There is green everywhere and our favourite coverage is on MAD Magazine. The main feature of the latest irreverent issue is a spoof of the Green Lantern movie. Alfred E. Neuman – the ageless cover-guy and cool dude of MAD Magazine - dons the green mask and snug leotards for this issue of MAD.

The MAD is a time-traveler from the 1950’s. It is America’s longest-running humour magazine filled with satirical content, parodies of current and historical social and political events, mockings of famous people and unforgettable Alfred’s cover page dress-ups. Warning: Uptight individuals with no sense-of-humour may want to stay away from it. The content may be too offensive for you.  (Ed: It’s awesome! My mum banned me from reading it when I was kid.)

Go Mad and see how it all started.


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