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20/09 Friday 02:44PM

be the plank you want to be!

Facebook may be the best platform for social networking nowadays but we find that it is also the best place to find strange activities.  We came across the Planking Australia community organisation page and wondered what in this universe we live in does Planking achieve.  Founded in January 2009, Planking has gone viral and has spread all across the globe, making it one of the 'coolest-weird-non-harmful-silly sporting activity' that even the celebrities join.  We wondered at length and decided to wonder no more.  So we digested the rules of Planking and decided that we will have an office Planking day on Thursday 24th November just for recreation, and have a bloody good time doing it!

We just can't help but laugh while going through all the photos on the 'Official Planking' page, but at the same time we are amazed by the dedication and commitment that all the Plankers have shown (we are still laughing). Check out some of the photos which we think carry the essence of Planking.


According to the Official Planking page, "one can't just go around lying down willy nilly, there are a few rules that need to be adhered to." Here are the rules of Planking:

1. You must always lay face down, ensuring your face remains expressionless for the duration of the Plank. (almost impossible if you're being laughed at)
2. Your legs must remain straight and together, with toes pointed.
3. Your arms must be placed by your side, held straight and fingers pointed.
4. You must make it known that your are Planking.  Saying "I am Planking" usually gets this across.  Sternly announcing it will ensure a good result.
5. Your safety should always be considered.  Properly-thought through Planking procedures should always go according to plan.  Never put yourself at undue risks.
6. Every Plank that is captured must be named.

An office that Planks together, laughs together (and also at one another). Plank away! Check out more of the planking plankers on their Facebook.


Our copy editor, LOL Plank. (Pauline)

Designer Plank (Aniliza) 

Marketing Couch Plank (Hisham). Looks like a malfunctioned Autobot.

Designer Plank. (Austin) Quote: "I feel so stupid!"

Director on Break Plank. (Sai)

Planking at Matadoe (Charlie)

Planking at Matadoe (Gilbert)

Planking at Matadoe (Jacky)

Planking at Matadoe (May)

Planking at Matadoe. (Melona) That looks scary.

He's not planking, he's floating. (Syen)

She's got a very good excuse not to plank. We're expecting our company's first baby! (Anna)

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