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27/07 Saturday 11:51AM

book review

book review

The Bruneions Monthly Book Review brings you reviews of popular books available from dBookHaus, Brunei.


pusat ehsan charity bazaar
Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam will be holding its 7th Charity Bazaar at Jubilee Park for three days starting on 31st August 2012. Every year visitors bundle ... More

a traveller’s day in copan ruinas honduras
Copan Ruinas is in Central America in the western part of Honduras, right next to Guatemala. Walking into the dusty red haze that hangs over the town, I notice the ... More

This weekend, the mother of all music festivals in Malaysia will be shaking and moving all the creatures in the rainforests. Music will fill the air where the ancient ... More

18 hours to iguazu falls
I feel pretty good after my 18-hour ride from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Crucero del Norte ::: Bienvenidos bus was what I imagine first-class air travel to be, ... More

legoland malaysia
LEGOLAND® is opening in Malaysia in September! We love all things Lego as well as rides that move at warp-speed, so some of us who spends most of our waking hours ... More

let's walk in the park again
This week, we are continuing our walk in the park. Here are six more examples and reasons why a park is an asset to a city and a joy to its community. Gulhane Park ... More

a walk in the park
Every bustling city could do with a patch of green no matter how small. Cities packed with concrete structures and landscape can provide a respite for its residents ... More

visiting the dead
'Jim’s this way,' my nephew Ryan yelled. We were searching for a dead man in a cemetery full of dead men. Not the usual place you bring your family to when you ... More